We decide to take a week trip, to visit the Amazon forest. There are two different ecosystems of this same forest: the jungle, and the pampa. We decide to go on an excursion in each place.
The first phase of our week-long excursion is the bus from La Paz to Rurrenabaque. Departure scheduled at 14:00 on Thursday, then effective departure at 15:00, before going to a garage to repair the door. We arrive at 6:00 am, and go to a bakery. These are our first pains au chocolat in six months.
We start on the boat. At the entrance of the national park Madidi, we fall under the spell of a parrot. Then we continue navigation to the lodge. The forest is very dense and we wonder about the possibility of walking in such a place. In the afternoon, we go for a walk. We can observe gigantic and surprising trees, but also spiders. We see in the distance a horde of wild pigs, then an isolated and distraught pig who has lost the group. We also smell a strange tree that is actually garlic. The guide builds a water bottle holder.
The next day, we go back to the jungle. We discover new things, drink water from a liana and see a jaguar print. In the afternoon, we'll fish. But we're pretty bad and we can't get one. On the other hand, the small insects that bite us to the blood are feasting. We're all covered with bites. At night we return to the jungle. The
guide sometimes asks us to turn off our lights, it's pretty scary,
there are many noises, odors, we didn't spot during the day. No big animals this time, but even bigger spiders.
The next morning, a short walk to explore a trunk dug and filled with bats, and swinging at the end of a liana. We do some handicrafts and make our jungle wedding rings from small coconuts. It's already time to go back to the boat.
Small conclusion: the jungle is beautiful and lush, smells good, and there are strange noises at night.