The Feb. 21, 2018

Bye bye Argentina


We pass customs formalities for 45min. The staff do what they can, but internet is very slow and makes the procedures long. We leave with all the required stamps, Argentinians and Chileans. Our cheese hidden in the tent hasn't been discovered, we become ingenious in these moments. We start pedaling quite late, around 10AM. The slope is gentle, but the ripio more and more sandy. After 12 kilometers, we cross the official border, and find an old friend, the tar.

But the day is far from over. We must now climb to 4458 meters (the Abra de Sico). We meet two Japanese at our lunch. We exchange on good tips and places to sleep. Once up, we go down a little until 4200m, and we start climbing again! This time, it's necessary to reach 4579 meters (the Abra el Laco). The slope is very steep. In the middle, we pass a Chilean carabineros station. In front of the station, Salar el Laco. We see there our first flamingos. Thanks to the monocular, we see them quite well. We finish the hill with a strong headwind.

We descend three super kilometers and stop at Campamento el Laco. This's an old miner's camp. Two people from the mining company are still keeping this site even if the mine is no longer in operation. Claudio and Juan-Carlos welcome us with open arms. They install us in a dormitory, we can then take a good hot shower. Then, icing on the cake: Claudio is a former chef. He prepares us a good chicken, with very good little potatoes, as well as homemade bread. In short, a great meal.