The Oct. 26, 2017

Paso Bellavista, or not

Frosty morning again. We are a bit in a hurry to see this border and this closed road. Barely two hours later we arrive at Paso BellaVista. Border police officers come to meet us: the border is closed until November 1st and the bridge crossing the last stream of the river is under construction. They don't want us to swim. Great dilemma: return to Rio Grande to cross the border in San Sebastian or calmly wait with the border police for 6 days.

The border police officers are very kind and offer us to stay in one of their old buildings. We have at our disposal a heated room as well as a kitchen. Thanks to the policemen, we coordinate with the construction workers to bring us back to Rio Grande tomorrow late in the afternoon in their pickup. We spend the night at the border post. Thanks again dear Groupo Radman!