The March 11, 2018

The tar is back


We get up a little late for a long day, because of the breakfast being served from 7:30. We manage to take off around 8:45. We aren't really excited by leaving Uyuni, we liked it there. The morning is quite hard, the slope is steep, and the landscape at the beginning a little bland. The road was asphalted recently, so we enjoy all day long a beautiful tar, with a wide emergency lane.

Everything accelerates towards noon, when we arrive in the mountains. We see some villages, built on the terrace, it's beautiful and it offers pretty colors. The mountain is beautiful, especially in the afternoon during the descent. We cross several remarkable geological formations. It starts to be late, the sun goes down, and it adds charm to the landscapes that turn yellow-orange.

We aim for the night an estancia. No luck, it no longer exists. Seven kilometers later, a new estancia. A grandpa and a granny are the owners, they tell us where to pitch our tent and where to find drinking water.