We start our day with two small hills. It's less flat than yesterday, but we're far from the mountains. It's nice, but not great either. The weather is nice, and after ten kilometers we take the road to Turco which takes us away from the closest border with Chile. This saves us traffic and there are about 2 cars / trucks per hour. In short, this is a nice day, but not the most memorable route. At noon, we made 400m elevation gain, and more than half of the planned kilometers.
We arrive at Turco quite early, around 15:00. We cannot go further, because there are no villages for a long time now. We
saw on the summary of Vincent and Sophie (people met in Argentina) that
the health center could provide a roof to cyclists. So, we'll directly ask them, and they tell us very nicely to occupy one of the dormitories.
We sleep in our hospital beds, which are more pleasant than those of the clinic in Sucre!