From Feb. 6, 2018 to Feb. 7, 2018

A nice pass


Our goal of the day is to reach our Warmshowers hosts' place in the afternoon. It's about 60 km away: 30 km of climb, 30 km of downhill. We've to climb the pass to leave the valley of Tafi del Valle. The landscape is beautiful, the climb is steady and is getting climbed very well, despite our apprehension after our long day yesterday. We're almost to the top for lunch when we eat our llama sausage and goat cheese, a local specialty. We're then going down on bad tar road but as it's a steep descent, we ride fast and arrive early at our Warmshowers.

We're welcomed by a family: the mother, Fernanda, the father, José, and the children, Francisco and Emilia. An au pair, Jessica (German) is there too. All are very kind and full of life. We stay with them Wednesday all day. Fernada and José build their house themselves, it's impressive. They do everything themselves. During our stay, we all took care of the quinces for the year. As it's the peak season, we peeled, arranged, cooked several tens of kilos of quince. The result: a syrup (very good on pancakes) and fruit pasta for the whole year! They also have pigs, and we've eaten homemade blood sausages, very good. They also made us taste their homemade liquor of wine, and cactus fruits. Fernanda spins and colors wool in a natural way. We took the opportunity to buy her some. As they live in an indigenous community, we have talked a lot about the news of people descended from the Indians. In short, this trip was a real immersion in the life of this family, and we exchanged a lot.